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How does a written tarot reading work?

Once we have clarified a question and/or topic for the reading, I will sit down with the cards, call on sacred, benevolent guidance on behalf of your highest and best and draw cards for your question. I will then write up my interpretation and send it to you as a PDF file within 3 business days.

Can you read my future? Can you tell me how x feels about me? 

I do not use as a fortune telling tool. An intuitive tarot reading channels divine guidance for the present moment. I work to provide you a multidimensional view of your current internal and external circumstances to aid you in making empowered choices. I also do not read about third parties without their knowledge or consent. I find it much more helpful to look at what's going on with you with regards to your relationship(s).

Do I need to have a specific question?

If you do not have a specific question, a general tarot reading can still be very informative and helpful. In this case I will ask the cards what you are being invited to pay attention in the present moment. However, when it comes to written readings specifically, the more focused a topic, the sharper an answer I can give.

I’m not sure I believe … 

That is perfectly ok! I believe tarot can be helpful for everyone. You can think of it as a storytelling tool that helps us to craft the narratives that give our lives meaning. If you are willing to approach a reading with curiosity, there is room for the medicine to reach you.

Can a tarot reading replace therapy?

A tarot reading can NOT replace professional advice or counselling, be it from a doctor, therapist, lawyer etc. If you are in need of those services, I gently encourage you to seek them out.

What is your Tarot lineage?

I am a graduate of Lindsay Mack’s Tarot for the Wild Soul course and my card interpretations are founded in her teachings. I learned to use tarot for presence and self tending from her Soul Tarot philosophy.

I am part of a marginalized group that you are not a part of. What are you doing to make this reading a safe space for me?

As a person with multiple marginalized identities, I understand how the tarot community, like any other, exists within the oppressive structures of colonial, white-supremacist, capitalist patriarchy and recognize that I must be constantly doing the work of decolonizing myself and my practice. I also understand that, in certain areas, I benefit from a lot of privilege. While I believe that the tarot can teach us so much about how to empower ourselves, I do not believe that it discounts how the larger structures in our lives affect us. I would never tell you that, if you just changed your perspective, all your problems would be solved. I do my best to stay informed of the experiences of others and to uproot bypassing and toxic positivity in my tarot practice.

I will also make mistakes because I am a human raised in a system that enforces the idea that some people must be kept down in order for others to thrive, that hierarchy is to be upheld and that dehumanizing groups of people is part of the package. But I can promise that when I do mess up, I will hold myself accountable. I will open-heartedly listen to whatever you honour me with saying about it, and I will actively work to make amends.

I have a question you have not answered here. 

Please do reach out to me via the submission box on the homepage or email: I would be delighted to answer and further questions you may have.

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